Bill Ryan love’s IP*Works!

As many readers of this blog know, I run Xtras.Net which sells third party tools, though I haven’t blogged that much about 3rd party tools.  But Bill Ryan over at Bill’s House O Insomnia just posted about IP*Works! Red Carpet Subscription.  I’ve been in this business over 10 years now, and I have to agree. /n software is one of our best vendors from everything I would use to judge to vendor.  They provide great products, great support, great policies, we sell a ton of their products, and on top of that, they are great to their channel! 

If you are in the need of a component for any of the major internet protocols as well as credit card processing, EDI, ZIP, and more, I recommend you give them some serious consideration.  As a matter of fact, why not head over there right now to at least learn what they have to offer so that you’ll be aware when the need arises.

But of course, but sure to return here to purchase your /n software products! As Bill later said, you’ll get really big discounts at Xtras.Net over buying direct! :-)

Here are the current .NET products from /n software (The Red Carpet Subscription contains everything):