Cool Component: LaMarvin Dynamic AutoComplete Tool

For the month of May I’ve signed up a vendor new to Xtras.Net named LaMarvin, and we are offering their Dynamic AutoComplete Tool for FREE this month to XDN Professional members ($99/year.)  This component adds auto-complete functionality to WinForm Text Boxes and Combo Boxes just like the auto-complete you get in Internet Explorer’s Address (URL) box.

Check out these tutorials:

This is a commercial product we will normally sell for $44, but XDN Professional members get it for free (this month only.)  Also, since I made the offer for any .NET Blogger to get a free XDN Professional membership in May 2004, any .NET blogger can get Dynamic AutoComplete Tool for free too, so be sure to sign up.

However, what I’d really like is to get some real world feedback.  Either download the demo and/or get your free full version as an XDN Professional member, and then post a comment about Dynamic AutoComplete Tool both here and/or on Xtras.Net‘s Dynamic AutoComplete Tool page. Let us know, is it any good?  Is it worth $44?  Should it be in everyone’s .NET toolbox?  Or not?  And if not, why not?  If not, can LaMarvin improve it to the point it is worth it?  Inquiring minds….  :)