One of the things I learned more about at The Future of Web Apps was Microformats. The talk on Microformats was given by Tantek Çelik who is CTO of Technorati and it was easily one of the more interesting concepts covered at the conference (to me, at least.) I probably appreciated it so much because Microformats potentially solve so many different problems that I have been pondering of late.
I had previously heard about Microformats, but I didn’t quite grok how cool they were until Tantek’s presentation.
Anyway below is my hCard, assuming I did it correctly. If anyone knows how to tell, I appreciate it you could let me know if it is correct and if not, why not (Note: I used hCard creator but I added a URL to "org" and I also put "(w)" and "(c)" after my phone numbers and I don’t know if that is kosher.)

404-474-8948 (w)
404-276-1276 (c)
This hCard created with the hCard creator.