WordPress as Wiki?

Interesting.  I guess my recognition of the similarity of WordPress’ new Revisions control to Mediawiki/Wikipedia was not unique.  Andrew Hyde proposed Wikify, as a plugin for WordPress to allow readers to revise posts for facts, spelling errors, et. al. Great idea. 

Of course it becaming popular would be a mixed blessing as we’d have yet another thing for which we’d need to manage spam. :-)

4 Replies to “WordPress as Wiki?”

  1. I’m really waiting for similar plugin.
    I see in codex site (for example http://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities) that some pages are “marked as in need of editing. And you can help Codex by editing it.

    It would be great if we can select a special category to “wikify”.

    I’m waiting for opinion or news about this interesting topic…

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