FREE XDN Professional for .NET Bloggers, Redux

We’re halfway through the month so its time for me to re-post the offer to get a FREE XDN Professional if you are a .NET Bloggers, in case you missed it the first time. You can click here to learn how to get your FREE XDN Professional membership.

For those who don’t know about XDN it stands for Xtras.Net Developer Network and is a membership program targeting influencial developers who are serious about .NET, and we provide those member special offers each month.  For example, this month in May 2004 XDN Professional members can request these full commercial products for FREE:

Graphics Server .Net
From Graphics Server Technologies
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $824
For XDN Professional Members: FREE 

PDFtoolkit Professional ActiveX/.NET
From Gnostice
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $264
For XDN Professional Members: FREE 

Dynamic AutoComplete Tool
From LaMarvin
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $44
For XDN Professional Members: FREE

XDN Members can also choose to purchase these Best Sellers at 1/2 our normal price during May 2004:

ComponentOne FlexGrid for .Net
From ComponentOne
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $378
For XDN Professional Members: $189 

Xceed Grid For .Net
From Xceed
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $348
For XDN Professional Members: $174

Total .Net Sourcebook
From FMS
Xtras.Net Regular Price: $578
For XDN Professional Members: $289

So if you are a .NET Blogger, be sure to sign up here for your FREE XDN Professional membership before the end of the month. After that, its $99. I’ll finalize by quoting blogger Shannon J Hager‘s reply to my comments on his post about this offer. (thanks Shannon for the acknowledgement):

I just want to help make sure people realize that this is a great deal at the normal price. I think a lot of us automatically think "free" means "near worthless" because of the things we’ve seen [so many times] that have reinforced the idea of "you get what you pay for" and when you see something for a lower-than-believable price, it raises suspicions. I had hoped that pointing out the benefits you and the component makers will recieve, as well as the benefits the subscribers recieve, will help things make sense for anyone who has doubts.

3 Replies to “FREE XDN Professional for .NET Bloggers, Redux”

  1. Martin:

    Yes it is. Since going to TechEd I got sick and now I’m way behind. You signed up after my comment on the post that said I was leaving for TechEd and wouldn’t get done for a while. I have been planning on finishing those up for the past several days, but my personal bandwidth has simply been maxed, working 16 to 18 hour days. I hope to get those emails out within a few days.

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