Welcome to the real world

Hello all. Today I am embarking on what might well become the most time fascinating yet consuming project on my life. Writing a blog.  It started many moons ago when Greg Silvano of CodeHound told me “You have to get a blog! You have far too many things to say to the world not to publish them online.“  Of course that can be easily translated into “You have far too much hot air to expel; why not help reduce global warming and type it instead, eh?

I grabbed some books on the subject and started reading up on it (I admit it, I’m much more of a paper person than most.  But that will be a subject for a future blog.)  Sounds like a plan, so I wrote the content for my first blog, and looked about for how to publish it.  As we run our own servers, I have a predilection for self hosting so I decided to write my own.  There the project sat.  For a long time.  Ahem. Later I came across .Text so tried to install it, but got nowhere fast.  Too many errors I just couldn’t get past, so I gave up on it until I had the time.

Then today, I spoke to Robert Scoble the ever upbeat and affable and self proclaimed Microsoft Geek Blogger, also known as the guy that long ago ran the VBITS conference content for Fawcette and scheduled the annual ad-hoc geek bus trip to somewhere in Northern California either before of after VBITS (I knew him when…) Anywho, Robert tells me about reading 1300 blogs a day, and I think “my god, how does one ever get anything else done?“  He also shames me into realizing I should have taken the extra effort to start my blog a long time ago.  So with his recommendation to try dasBlog, here I am. Wish me well!