FolderShare bought by Microsoft, and now (currently) free!

I’ve been using FolderShare for a few months now and love it.  But I just heard that Microsoft bought it and that it is now free. Cool!

If you normally work on a desktop but need a laptop for travel, FolderShare is a "must have.’  If you need to share files with people who are not in the same location (or even if they there is network with shared rights), it works like a charm.   It’s also great for making backups on another machine in case your hard drive crashes (but like mirrored hard disks, it’s not great for protectings files against viruses, etc.)

Anyway, I need to add some people to my "Professional" account but now that it’s free I can’t figure out how.  Or maybe it doesn’t even matter anymore?

The other thing I want to know is, what’s the max number of users that can share a folder?  If anyone knows, I’d love to find out…