Just an announcement that we are going to be discussing Why you MUST have a Twitter Strategy at Atlanta Web Entrepreneurs on August 21, 2008.
I’m going to present a short intro/overview to Twitter and then, god willing and the creek don’t rise, we plan to have two (2) video conferences, one from Triangle Tweetup and the other from a soon-to-be-announced Industry luminary with over 25,000 Twitter followers!
After the 8pm break we’ll have a roundtable-less discussion and Q&A led by our featured participants:
- Sanjay Parekh (sanjay on Twitter),
- Tessa Horehled (driveafastercar on Twitter) and
- Paul Stamatiou (stammy on Twitter).
Anyone that wants to attend should first be sure to have a Twitter account and to follow atlantaweb. We’ll use that list as a roll call for the meeting and we’ll announce our special guest on the atlantaweb Twitter account by 6pm Wednsday August 20th.
For more details and to RSVP see go here.
I Love Twitter.