The Weborati

Just who are the “Weborati“[1] you ask? And where does the term come from? Well, to answer the latter question, It’s a neologism that just made up; please don’t shoot me for it. :) As for the former, they are people who either created – starting with Tim Berners-Lee – who have passionately shepherded the …

My Amazon aStore

Amazon recently came up with a really simple idea for their associates but one that is so obvious I’m surprised they hadn’t thought of it before.  Basically they let their associates specify a list of products and then they generate a mini-store for them. They call these mini-stores an "aStore."   Amazon even provides a clean …

What is a RESTafarian?

A RESTifarian is a zealous proponent of the REST software architectural style as defined by Roy T. Fielding in Chapter 5 of his PhD. dissertation at UCIrvine. You can find RESTifarians in the wild on the REST-discuss mailing list. But be careful, RESTifarians can be extremely meticulous when discussing the finer points of REST, as …