InstallPad – It coulda been a Contenda! (and still might be…)

I came across an interesting piece of software called InstallPad via SDTimes "News on Monday" email newsletter. InstallPad is designed to download and automatically install applications on Windows machines. Relatedly, ever since I first installed FireFox I was very impressed with what a great design they had implemented in their add-on updater. I believer that …

Attention has become Worth More than Protection

The world has changed: Attention has become worth more than protection. Unfortunately, companies like Disney and trade groups like Recording Industry Association of America and the Motion Picture Association of America have yet to realize this with websites like, interviews like ‘DRM’ Protects Downloads, But Does It Stifle Innovation?, and crackdowns like Music, Movie …

Simple technologies recombined, not technological breakthroughs, spur disruptive innovations

Yesterday when I blogged about simplicity I forgot to mention Clayton Christensen‘s take on simple technology. Clayton’s ground-breaking book was entitled "The Innovator’s Dilemma" and is a must-read for any developer who wants to understand the business dynamics between market incumbency and innovative uses of technology. From his extensive research Christensen states in The Innovator’s Dilemma …