What information do you need when you consider purchasing a component?

UPDATE (2006-May-18): I am no longer running Xtras.Net As many of you know, my company produces a printed catalog called Xtras.Net which we subtitle Your Source for Quality .NET Tools. However, we are revising the design for the next printing, and also adding features to our website to coordinate with some of the changes. For …

Inspired by Channel9

Back at the beginning of last month Microsoft launched Channel 9, and I was completely inspired by their video interviews.  Being a “database“ guy, I’ve never really gotten excited about things like graphics, imaging, charting, etc. and that included video.  That was until I saw Channel9 and thought “Wow, these videos are really cool!  We …

About the “Most Useful Add-in/Macro for Visual Studio .Net” Contest

Roy Osherove at ISerializable is holding a contest for the "Most Useful Add-in/Macro for Visual Studio .Net" Contest."  Submissions accepted through May 31st, and there are tons of cool prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place plus a Bonus finisher. One of the best(!) prizes is an XDN Professional Membership from Xtras.Net. :-) Be sure …