Anonymous Methods in C# 2.0: What’s Old is New Again!

Paul Kimmel recently wrote an article for entitled "Anonymous Methods in C# 2.0" where he made the following statement: Linguistically, I love methods, but as a practical matter anonymous methods may just be an example of some inventive person at Microsoft being a bit too clever. Unfortunately that was the pull-quote used to promote the …

Getting Past the XSLT Error: “Expression must evaluate to a node-set.”

So I just blogged about how I find XSLT somewhat frustrating. Admittedly some of the frustration is based on my relative lack of experience with XSLT. One area ripe with potential frustration is the concept of the node-set data type for which learning has caused me a bit of hair loss recently! A typical scenario …

It’s Always Something (#1): Wrestling with System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform and the Document() function

It’s always something! At Xtras, we have a rather sophisticated email broadcast system that we developed internally. Our system uses a set of tables in our SQL Server database that models the type of email, who it should go to, the mailing lists, etc. It loads each newsletter subscriber’s name and email address using a FOR XML …