
They say people can’t understand an abstract concept unless they have language to describe it. For example, because Tahitians don’t have a word for sadness they think of sadness as they would a physical illness. As we are immersed in a world of rapid change we need many new words to describe previously unidentified concepts. …

Another Missed Ball: No .NET Application Container

David Laribee just referenced my IIS 7.0: Too Little, Too Late? post and he made an interesting comment that I hadn’t previously pondered but that is very relevent: It’s a major bummer that there’s no such thing as a virtualized “.NET Application Container” for the new scalable grid computing and provisioning services coming out (Amazon …


After 20+ years on Microsoft operating systems, I’m finally considering moving over to the dark side (or *away* from the dark side, depending on who you ask, LOL!). Yes, I’m considering buying a Mac. Actually a MacBook. I decided to get a Dell 1405 because of it’s purported great battery life and I placed my …

Help Expose URLs that Suck!

Over on the Well Designed URLs Initiative blog, which is my baby, I’ve started a call-to-action to get people to use delicious to tag: URLs that Suck! Check it out, and then be sure to tag any especially bad URLs with the tag “urls-that-suck” on delicious.